Let’s Talk & Listen
Saturday 16 November 2019   /   HKCEC /   9am to 5pm

HK Forward Alliance

HK Forward Alliance is a group of independent Hong Kong individuals from different walks of life and of different beliefs but bound together by a common desire and commitment towards constructive change.

WAYS FORWARD: Let’s Talk & Listen

A public forum for Hong Kong on 16 November 2019

WAYS FORWARD: LET’S TALK & LISTEN Public Forum was held at the HKCEC on Saturday, 16 November 2019.  Over 500 participated from a wide range of Hong Kong’s community.  Thank you to our speakers, facilitators and participants for making the Forum a success. 

Presentation materials from our International and Local speakers are now available. The Speaker portion of the Forum was livestreamed on Facebook.  Please visit our Facebook page to see a recording.

Stay tuned for more Forum information including translated videos of all presentations. We welcome your thoughts and ideas on how to continue to help Hong Kong thrive.  Please feel free to contact us on info@hongkongforaward.org


The event will be open to the public and pre-registration is a must. It will bring together a broad range of participants, including business folks, academics, professionals such as social and health workers and lawyers, members of civil society organisations and many others. Special efforts will be made to include youths and ethnic minorities. Attendance of several hundred people is targeted.